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Upcoming Events
July Business After 5
31 Jul

Date & Time

Jul 31, 2024




Apollo Engineering

Free for all Tamworth Business Chamber members.

Special Notes


Event Details

Prepare to be inspired as we delve into the forefront of industrial technology with guided site tours starting promptly at 5:30 PM. Witness firsthand the cutting-edge processes and facilities driving Apollo Engineering's success.

Following the tour, indulge in gourmet refreshments and network with industry peers from 6:00 PM onwards. At 6:30 PM, Apollo Engineering's experts will take the stage for an insightful presentation, unveiling their latest advancements and future developments. Engage in a lively Q&A session, offering a unique chance to gain insider knowledge from industry leaders. We will also cover new members in our monthly Business after Five as well as covering any exciting news from our members.

RSVP now to guarantee your attendance alongside a guest via the link provided below. Don't miss this exceptional opportunity to connect, learn, and discover Apollo Engineering's groundbreaking innovations!