Tamworth Regional Council have a number of important strategies currently on public exhibition that impact business and the overall growth of our Region.
The Tamworth Water Security Plan considers the allocation, supply and delivery of water for both business and residential use. Currently, even without growth, there is a real risk that Tamworth could run out of water in a severe and prolonged drought.
Tamworth is expected to grow significantly in population, housing and employment over the next 30 years. To achieve this, communities and businesses require confidence that water sources are reliable and able to support future demand.
The Draft Tamworth Regional Housing Strategy outlines Council’s vision for future housing development which is critical to attracting a quality workforce and growing housing supply. This strategy also considers housing affordability and the liveability of our city and surrounding towns.
Also on exhibition is a Draft Integrated Transport Plan which outlines how the region will manage transport demands into the future to cater for commuters, freight providers, tourists and recreational users.
Visit Council’s Your Say Portal to review and offer your feedback.