With one week to go before nominations officially close for the 2024 Quality Business Awards, Tamworth Business Chamber is urging the community to get behind the Awards with even more customer service nominations.
“The Tamworth Quality Business Awards are recognised as one of the biggest and best award programs in this country” says Chamber Operations Manager, Kate Spradbrow.
“Not only are we keen to emulate the past success of our Awards, we know the honour of being nominated is a tremendous boost for business.
“The very idea that a customer would take the time to jump online and recommend a business for its great service, is publicity you just can’t buy. And to this end, we are strongly encouraging those businesses that have been nominated to accept this accolade”.
Nominations close on Friday 19 July with a team of over 50 independent customer service judges ready to take to the streets and start “mystery shopping” this year’s entries.
Those businesses and their people who have entered the 8 Aligned Categories will also be independent assessed by a panel of their professional peers, with finalists for all 26 categories announced on Wednesday 14 August.
“Along with the traditionally high number of nominations, this year we have seen some incredibly heartfelt tributes that reflect the important role business plays in our community”, continued Ms Spradbrow.
“If, by shining a light on nominations for local health providers, we can increase awareness and trust in those services and it encourages more people to act, that it is win for all.
“If a nomination into one of the employee categories helps to retain more talent in our region, that is another great outcome for Chamber and the business community” she said.
Proudly partnered by Tamworth Regional Council, nominations for the Quality Business Awards close Friday 19 July.
Finalists will be announced on Wednesday 14 August and winners crowned at the 2024 Quality Business Awards gala dinner on Friday, 6 September at the Tamworth Regional Entertainment and Convention Centre.
For more information visit www.tamworth.org.au
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Media Contacts: Caroline Lumley Carlum Communications – 0412 897 306 Meredith Abrams Creating Focus Marketing – 0434 430 459