Tamworth Regional Council is seeking community feedback on the major review of two of our key planning instruments and a new housing strategy.
The Tamworth Region Local Environmental Plan 2010 (TRLEP 2010), the Tamworth Region Development Control Plan 2010 (TRDCP 2010) and the draft Tamworth Region Housing Strategy will all be on public exhibition from Monday 3 June 2024.
The draft LEP works in company with the draft DCP and the draft Regional Housing Strategy. Together the three documents pave the way for the future planning of the region.
The LEP makes clear what landowners are allowed to do while the DCP sits underneath it and gives detailed guidelines on how those uses can be done. The housing strategy sits alongside both of these planning instruments providing a framework to ensure the Tamworth region will have well-designed housing to meet the needs of a diverse and growing community and provide a wide range of lifestyle and affordability options into the future.
Council has mailed letters to the Development, Building and Real Estate Industries, as well as specifically-affected property owners about the TRLEP2010 and TRDCP2010 reviews. However, it is also seeking feedback from the wider community about these, and the draft Housing Strategy.
Community members are urged to visit https://haveyoursay.tamworth.nsw.gov.au to find out more about each of these documents and to provide their feedback for the Housing Strategy by Monday 1 July 2024, and the TRLEP 2010 and the TRDCP 2010 by Friday 5 July 2024.