Welcome to the April newsletter.
Earlier last month we welcomed Kate Spradbrow to the Chamber taking on the role of Operations Manager. Kate has a wealth of experience in sales, HR and recruitment plus has run her own business. As the Board works through the Strategic Operational review we started earlier this year we feel Kate is well place to help implement this and ensure the Chamber is here for another 60 years.
Don’t hesitate to drop in and say hi to Kate or Fiona at the Chamber offices if you happen to be passing by.
Towards the end of last month the Australian Bureau of Statistics announced the February 2024 unemployment rate of 3.8% - unchanged since January. Our own research indicates that this rate is likely to be much lower in regional towns like Tamworth but we also suspect that the underemployment rate, the rate that looks at whether those employed are actually working the number of hours they want, is likely to be higher due to the composition of our workforce. From an economic perspective low unemployment rates is normally a sign of a buoyant economy but when the rates become so low that job vacancies remain unfilled and productivity is impeded the negative effect on small business operations and profitability become real.
This month we also saw the Tamworth Regional Council start a review into the rollout of EV charging stations across more of our town centres. In regional Australia, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is gaining traction, albeit at a slower pace compared to urban areas. Despite initial challenges such as limited charging infrastructure and concerns about range anxiety, there is growing recognition of the benefits EVs offer in remote settings. With over 40,000 EV owners taking their first family holiday using an electric vehicle over the recent Christmas and Easter holidays if Tamworth doesn’t have sufficient infrastructure we will simply miss out on these tourists. With apps like PlugShare and Transport for NSW’s own maps showing route to take to ensure you can find a charge when you need it Tamworth is missing out on this customer base and we can only hope TRC and other businesses around town can see the benefit of installing suitable infrastructure to cater for this space.
Here at the Chamber we launched the Think Local Shop Local campaign for 2024. The Shop Local promotion was first delivered in 2018 and had an immediate positive impact across the Tamworth LGA. Since then, the promotion has supported local business in generating over $6 million in sales receipts.
Our 2023 campaign saw us reach $1.22m and with more businesses already registered at the launch this week we hope will be eclipsed again this year.
The aim of the promotion is to support businesses in the Tamworth region and focus the community’s attention on the importance of shopping locally – supporting local businesses who work hard to service their community – and who employ local people.
Of course none of this would be possible without our generous sponsor including
Woodley’s Motors
Tamworth Skoda
Tamworth Regional Council
Centrepoint Tamworth
Tamworth Shopping World
Allsopp Signs
Rhythm Digital
… and Indigico Creative
And of course our media partners
NBN Television
Radio 88.9FM
The WIN Network
Radio 2TM and 92.9FM
… and The Northern Daily Leader
We also have our Shop Local Supplementary Prize Sponsors –
They include -
Home of Strength
Bakers Delight Shopping World Tamworth
Massage Land
… and Tamworth Car and Dog Wash
Over the coming weeks we will be announcing the date for the State of the City Leaders Forum and set out the key dates for the rest of the year. Keep an eye out for these announcements soon.