Funding to plant new trees will green our future
Funding from the Australian Government will be used to further green Tamworth’s CBD, with works to prepare the CBD for 18 trees plantings in winter to start next week.
The plantings are an initiative of Tamworth’s Urban Street Tree Management Plan that was developed with the assistance of the Urban Street Tree Advisory Group.
Heat mapping undertaken in September 2022 revealed the need for more trees to reduce the elevated temperatures recorded in Tamworth’s CBD compared to residential areas.
Greening our streets by planting these new trees will increase shade, amenity, reduce urban heat and improve air quality – benefitting current and future users of our CBD.
Trees will be planted along Brisbane Street and White Street, between Marius Street and Kable Avenue in winter of 2024.
We recognise that works to prepare for planting these trees may impact businesses within Tamworth’s CBD, however appreciate your patience as work to improve this area for current and future generations. The funding provided by the Australian Government will allow Council to use a special planter system that will not impact underground services beneath the CBD’s main roads.
This project will be made possible through $500,000 in funding from the Australian Government through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
For more information, visit our CBD Tree Planting page on our website: